Small Group Training “Squads”

For 4 weeks: Join a team (5-8 members and 1 trainer)! Choose what works for you! Check out all the different times, locations, days, and trainers to find the one for you. Commit to working out two days a week with the other participants and benefit from the group accountability.

Squads are for you if you are looking for:

*Total body strength & conditioning training

*Affordable training by a certified trainer

*Community accountability getting into/maintaining a workout routine

*A program with varied exercises & equipment


What you can expect for all the Squads each week:

  • 2 per week (8 total) small group in-person workout sessions taught by an RHF trainer

  • Programming that considers your specific goals amount others in the Squad

  • Supportive coaches and cohort.

  • Access to the main gym facility throughout the week.

  • Classes (Yoga, MixxedFit, Zumba, 30 minute core, HipHop Cycling) to supplement throughout the week.

  • Basic nutritional guidance to increase awareness of how your diet goes hand in hand with your physical health to improve overall health. 

  • FUN! Develop close relationships with both coach and fellow squad members.

Program Cost

Cost varies per Squad, please email ( for more information.




Mon & Wed

7 AM
Functional Fitness w/ Coach Marla

Tue & Thur

7 AM
Strength and Conditioning w/ Coach Abbie

Tue & Thur

8 AM
Strength and Conditioning w/ Coach Abbie

Mon & Fri

10 AM
Older Adults with Coach Alicia

Tue & Thur

8 AM
Barbell Basics w/ Coach Buiford

Mon & Wed

7 PM
Hustlin’ with Haskins w/ Coach Alicia

Mon & Thur

6:30 PM
Bootcamp w/ Coach Ben

Tue & Thur

7 PM
Strength and Conditioning w/ Coach Maraya